Sunday 11 March 2012

'That 70s Show'- Donna Pinciotti

(L-R) Donna, Kelso, Eric, Hyde, Jackie & Fez
The costume that goes along with the character Donna Pinciotti is almost always clothes that are not typically "feminine". Her typical look is usually jeans and a loose fitted shirt with a fresh face and natural hair as apose to her best friend Jackie (stereotypical "girly girl"), who is always seen wearing makeup with her hair styled and wears clothes that differ from jeans and a tank top to a dress and heels.

(L-R) Donna, Kelso, Hyde & Fez
Donna Pinciotti dresses as many feminist women did in the 70s, with a comfortable and natural style and her costume in 'That 70s Show' is very fitting to her character. The second photo that I have posted shows Donna with her male friends and demonstrates the similarities of her style and the men that she hangs out with, which is fitting as Donna always seems to be treated as "one of the boys" with the exception of a couple of episodes where she is referred to as being "Hot" and even has a radio alter ego called "Hot Donna".

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rosie. What is a possible message/value/stereotype this image reflects? What about relationships/friendships between boys and girls? What is the effect of the media representation? How does this representation affect teenage girls. How does this representation affect society’s perception of and/or attitude to teenage girls?
